Land impact and solar energy
Each Cube is off-grid, totally self-sufficient and does not require connections to the water and sewage systems.
It has minimal impact on the land and leaves no signs of its passage once removed.
The facility uses renewable energy and it is equipped with solar panels.
Resource conservation: water
Water is supplied and disposed of through a jerry can system: resources are, therefore, limited.
To be aware of your daily consumption, you will find an indicator within the facility that will allow you to check the level of water resources.
We ask you to make conscious and sustainable use of water supplies by taking a few small steps:
remember to turn off the water while brushing your teeth, shaving or soaping;
try to take showers that are not too long (to give you an idea, a 5-minute shower consumes up to 80 liters of water);
Do not leave taps running;
try to avoid washing your clothes during your stay and when you are at home do full loads of laundry;
Wash vegetables in a small container rather than with running water.

We have, in addition, chosen to use an environmentally friendly toilet for Younicube, which does not waste water or use chemicals, with the goal of helping our planet. In fact, a traditional toilet flush uses 9 to 12 liters of water with each flush, with an average consumption of about 100 liters per day for two people.
You will find instructions for proper use of the toilet within the facility, but you will not have to do anything different than usual, because maintenance and cleaning during your stay are our responsibility.
Natural materials and plastic limitation
The mobile home was built mainly from natural materials, and the wood in the structure and siding is FSC-certified.
In addition, your stay will be as environmentally friendly as possible with minimal plastic limitation:

we do not use disposable products
the soaps and detergents provided are highly biodegradable
Paper (toilet paper, kitchen roll) is made from bamboo cellulose or recycled
bags for separate waste collection are biodegradable
cleaning sponges are made of natural materials and do not release microplastics
the sheets and towels are made of 100% natural fabrics

Sustainability is not only environmental
Our project also aims to be sustainable from an economic and social point of view, promoting an environmentally and community-friendly way of traveling and developing activities that improve the economy of the area of interest.
The management of the services related to the stay is provided by local farms, holiday farms, and operators in order to promote local culture and products.
Younicube intends to be a promoter of initiatives and events to raise awareness of environmental and social issues, in collaboration with specialized agencies and associations.
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Our idea of sustainability creates tangible actions and partnerships aimed at ensuring a better world for present and future generations