The project

Exclusivity in nature

Younicube is a designer, environmentally sustainable mobile home in which you can stay in the midst of nature with all the comforts.

Each Cube is placed in suggestive settings and reserved just for you, so that you can enjoy a unique and exclusive experience with absolute freedom and privacy.

The destinations may change over time to introduce you to new locations and unconventional landscapes.

At the moment of booking or during your stay, you can choose services and activities to customize your trip, according to your needs and passions.

With Younicube, we want you to experience a different way of traveling, slow and authentic, allowing you to savour every moment of your stay.

Our mission is to let you experience a different way of traveling

As you experience Younicube, contact with nature becomes a source of well-being: it allows you to disconnect from everyday life; to rediscover the value of time and simple things; to stop and observe the beauty that surrounds you; to free your mind and rediscover your individual dimension.

Choosing Younicube means sustainable and environmentally friendly travel: the facility is innovatively designed to have the least possible impact on the local area and while focusing on saving resources.

To make your stay as eco-friendly as possible, we have chosen not to use disposable products; to use biodegradable soaps and detergents; and recycled or bamboo paper.

Each Cube runs mainly on solar power, wastes no water to operate the toilet, and leaves no trace of its passage.

Read the dedicated section for further insights.

Younicube also means design and comfort, as well as quality and attention to detail

Clean styles, natural materials and light, fluid, and well-organized spaces to eliminate the superfluous and feel the harmony of elements. In your Cube you can finally clear your mind, relax and feel at home.

Staying in Younicube means helping the local economy.

All food, services and activities selected are provided by local farms and operators; decorative items, which you can buy as a souvenir of your stay, are provided by stores or artists in the selected country, who collaborate with our brand.

From the idea to Younicube

Imagine a small tuff cube, far from everything, so close to the sea that you only hear the sound of waves and wind before you sleep.

The idea for Younicube was born in the summer of 2018, observing the typical fishermen’s houses in Favignana, surrounded by nature.

Starting from the dream of living in such a place, the project of making a Cube, innovative and off-grid, to be placed in as many different places as possible, with the least possible impact on the environment, was developed in recent years.

From the very beginning, the goal has been to offer a unique and exclusive experience to people: Younicube allows you to live purely, authentically, in touch with nature, without sacrificing comfort.

When we began to envision this space, we looked for a professional who could understand our vision and transfer it into an architectural design.

Therefore, we commissioned architect Massimo Gnocchi, co-author of “The Mountain Refuge” cabin, who collaborated with our brand in the technical design phase.

We thus managed to turn our idea into reality, building the first #Younicube.

The rest of the story, if you wish, will be written by you, with us.